The Village Voices Music Awards Program consists of annual scholarships awarded to local students majoring in vocal music, and financial grants to local elementary school music programs. A highlight of the Village Voices Chorale concerts is the appearance of our winners and recipients - gifted young performers and delightful elementary school choral groups. Concert goers are treated to graceful presentations from scholarship winners who are considering a career in vocal music, perhaps even in opera, and whose command of the art form is already impressively apparent.
To apply, please download and complete the online application and return to Village Voices (see below). Eligibility requirements, application due dates and audition dates are on this application form.
There is a $20 application fee.
We thank all our friends who have contributed to the Village Voices Annual Music Awards Program.
Your contributions have allowed us to award more than $150,000 over the past decade.
Since the inception of the Village Voices Annual Music Awards Program, the chorale has donated over $150,000 to support its favorite cause - vocal music in the community - and is the recipient of the 1993 Certificate Award of Excellence in the Arts awarded by the Thousand Oaks Arts Commission.
Funding provided through Village Voices scholarships enables vocal students to reach for the next step of professional training and musical development -attending a prestigious school or traveling to Europe for special training. For elementary school choruses, the music awards may help purchase a keyboard, other instruments, or new music, while building in these children a love and respect for different types of music.
We salute all who have competed in the Village Voices Annual Music Awards Program, and congratulate the winners! Village Voices also expresses thanks to individuals in the Conejo Valley, and surrounding communities, who have made contributions to the music awards. We join with you in celebrating the joy and intrinsic value of vocal music!
Local college or university students majoring in vocal music are eligible to apply for a Village Voices Vocal Music Scholarship.
Final decisions on distribution of the awards are based on live auditions and are made by the Village Voices Annual Music Awards Committee and the Village Voices Board of Directors.
To apply, download and complete the online application and follow the directions for submission.
2025_Scholarship_Application (doc)